Water Wise Gardening: Understanding Sydney’s Water Restrictions

Gardening is much-loved for many reasons. It works to centre and destress in busy everyday life, as well as beautifying your garden. Clean Green Strata is passionate about gardening of all kinds, which is why we’ve put together some tips on how to stay water wise without skimping on your gardening. Read on to learn more.

Water restriction laws

Following years of strict water restrictions due to drought, the water restrictions banning sprinklers and watering systems amongst others was lifted and replaced by the Water Wise Rules in 2009. These rules stipulate that:

  • All hoses need a trigger nozzle
  • Residential watering can only occur before 10am and after 4pm
  • Kids can still play in sprinklers on hot days
  • Hosing of hard surfaces is not allowed

Investing in the right equipment

The water wise rules stipulate that all hoses must have a trigger nozzle. While sprinklers are allowed again, it’s good to be careful with the amount of water you use – so stick to a hose with a nozzle for your garden if you want to be truly Water Wise.

Opting for hardy plants

Local natives and succulents are your best bet if you’re looking for water wise plants. Not only are they equipped to thrive in Sydney’s hot summers, but they are also inexpensive, easy to grow, need little maintenance, and look beautiful. In addition, if Sydney’s water supply dips again, the water rules will likely tighten again – meaning investing in a drought tolerant garden right away will likely save you money, time, and headache.

Grass – is it time to say goodbye?

Have you ever considered fake grass? Many people frown at the thought alone, but modern synthetic grass has come a long way from the tough bristles of early models. Not only is it allergy friendly, but it is also low maintenance, soft, and stays evergreen. It simply needs a little brush and wash every once in a while to stay nice.

If you are certain you don’t want to see your priced turf go, then we have some tips on how to keep your grass healthy without using too much water – and staying within the Water Wise Rules. While it might seem like grass would be its thirstiest in the midday sunshine, it’s both better for the grass – and our water supply that you water in the early morning or late evening. This because watering in the colder morning or afternoon hours prevents the water from evaporating, thus allowing your thirsty grass to drink it all up – and avoiding water wastage.

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