How To ‘Spark Joy’ Outside Your Property

As Marie Kondo preaches on her Netflix show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, when faced with an overwhelming amount of personal items to sort through, you should only keep the ones that ‘spark joy’ within you – namely, the items that trigger an emotional response. Inside the home, this can refer to keepsakes, photographs, and particular pieces of clothing. But when you take this methodology out your front door, you’ll find that it works just as well for the exterior of your property.

It can be difficult to find the time in our busy lives to maintain the properties we live in or manage, and after a while things can start to look a little run down. Garden beds can become overgrown, plants grow wild, graffiti adorns the walls, and rubbish can start to build up around the bins – especially when tenants have been Tidying Up inside their homes. The team at Clean Green Strata is trained and equipped to help you bring the joy back into your property.

Maintaining Plants and Garden Beds

When attracting new residents to your property, or coaxing existing ones to stay, you want the outside to be as appealing as the outside. That’s why it’s important to make sure your outdoor areas look beautiful and well-cared for; it will say a lot about the environment of the strata building, and of you as a property manager.

It’s amazing the difference a good gardening team can make to your property. Performing tasks like mowing lawns, pruning trees and bushes, pulling weeds, removing unsafe branches and trees, and even mulching and planting, the Clean Green Strata team know exactly how to elevate the overall aesthetic of a garden. As trained horticulturists, our gardeners have the expert knowledge to make your gardens become a standout feature of your property.

Keep your property looking 5 stars with our maintenance service all year round.

A Treat for Residents and Guests

Make the gardens of your property be something your residents will look on with pride. With beautiful plants, a lovely green and maintained lawn and tidy common areas, your residents will be happy to spend time outdoors and invite their guests to visit. Earn the reputation of being a thoughtful property manager and be able to look upon your property with satisfaction and happiness knowing that you’ve helped create a stunning outdoor space for your residents to enjoy.

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Ways to Prevent Graffiti on Your Property
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What Are the Benefits of Hiring A Caretaker for Your Strata Property?
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