Spring cleaning is a great way to freshen up your house, take inventory of what you’ve piled up in the last year, and give yourself a chance to purge yourself of belongings that no longer reflect who you are. A thorough spring clean also requires grit, elbow grease, time, and plenty of cleaning products. But there’s no denying that store-bought cleaning products are laden with chemicals that can be hazardous to you, your family, pets, and the environment. Clean Green Strata is passionate about using environmentally friendly products to get that squeaky-clean result, so we decided to put together a list of some of our favourite home-made, green cleaning solutions. Read on to learn more.

The hazards of chemically-laden cleaning products

You might wonder – what’s so bad about store bought cleaning supplies anyways? In a busy day-to-day, doing a spring clean at all might seem like enough of an achievement – now you have to think about the environment, too? While it might seem like the quick and simple solution to just grab a bottle from the shelf that promises to eliminate germs like no other, these bottles are not only costly, but also contain numerous chemicals toxic to human and animal consumption. You only need to read their warning labels to see just how bad they are to us, yet we use them to make our house clean and safe.

It’s all there in your cupboard

Why spend money on chemically laden solutions when you might have all the cleaning solutions you need in your cupboard already. For a green spring clean you need:

  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • Lemons
  • Liquid unscented soap

Easy as that.

Solutions you’ll love

All-purpose cleaner – the bottle you reach for to fix your everyday spills and messes – and for shining your home during spring cleaning. Mix half a cup (or 1.2dl) of vinegar, and a quarter cup (0.6dl) of baking soda into two litres of water. Done. Put it in a spray bottle for an easy, toxin-free solution for mirrors, benchtops, chrome fittings, water deposit stains, and more.

Lemons are a natural disinfectant and is a great tool for an on-the-spot cleaning solution. They can be used to reduce bacteria on chopping blocks, and for removing scratches on furniture!

For the tough stuff like greasy ovens we suggest using baking soda. Wet down the oven with soap and water, sprinkle it generously with baking soda, cover with a dampened towel, and let sit for half an hour. You’ll be amazed at how easy it’ll come loose.

There are many more cleaning solutions for all your home’s needs, whether it features hardwood floors, carpets, or tiles. With your staples in your cupboard and a quick online search for a solution, you’ll be able to handle any tough stain, without costing the environment or your wallet.

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